Trekking mit Gipfeloption Illiniza Norte und Cotopaxi



per person
22 Tage / 21 Nächte
Juni bis August
Max. altitude
5897 m ü. d. M.

Trekking mit Gipfeloption Illiniza Norte und Cotopaxi


per person


per person

Besuchen Sie mit uns Ecuador. Ein Land der Gegensätze: weite Sandstrände, undurchdringliche Urwaldgebiete und über 6.000 Meter hohe Vulkanberge. Alles das hat dieses kleine Land zu bieten, obwohl es weniger Fläche besitzt als das ehemalige Westdeutschland.

Die Tour
Unser Ausgangspunkt ist die kolonial geprägte Hauptstadt Quito. Wir besuchen den Badeort Banos und unternehmen von hier aus erlebnisreichen Wanderungen und einer aufregenden Biketour.

Unser nächstes Ziel ist Incapirca, der bedeutendste Ruinenkomplex Ecuadors. Wir werden hier auch einen Teil des berühmten Incatrails begehen.

Dann folgt die 4-Tägige Trekkingtour um den Altar, sicherlich eine der spektakulärsten Berggestalten der gesamten Anden, trotzdem sehr selten begangen. Von Riobamba aus besteigen wir den Illiniza Norte, immerhin ein echter 5.000er.

Danach geht es noch höher hinaus, mit dem Cotopaxi wird der höchste aktive Vulkan der Erde bestiegen, immerhin fast 6.000 Meter hoch.
Seine perfekte Kegelform mit den weiß glänzenden Firnflächen ist schon von Quito aus deutlich sichtbar.
Den Abschluss bildet ein kleinerer Wanderberg wie Pichincha oder Corazon.


Private transfer from Huaraz to the village of Cashapampa (approx. 3 hours). Along the way, you will pass through the Santa River valley and the villages of Caraz and Yugay. Upon arrival, you will meet your team and pack your gear onto the donkeys. Begin the Santa Cruz trek to Llamacoral (3850 m).

From Llamacoral, continue trekking to the base camp of Artesonraju/Taullipampa (4250 m). Along the way, enjoy stunning views of the Alpamayo, Artesonraju, and Taulliraju peaks.

With the help of high-altitude porters, hike up to Artesonraju Moraine Camp (5000 m). This section is physically demanding due to the steep moraine. The trail is sometimes slippery and requires careful navigation. The hike typically takes 4-5 hours.

Summit day! The ascent follows the North Ridge via the northeast spur. The route involves climbing steep slopes at a gradient of 40-60 degrees, with conditions varying each year. After approximately 8-9 hours of climbing, you will reach the summit, where you’ll be rewarded with breathtaking views of the Cordillera Blanca, including the peaks of Huascarán North and South, Huandoy, Santa Cruz, Caraz, and more. After a brief rest and photos, descend back to Moraine Camp. The descent is typically done via rappelling and takes about 3-4 hours. If tired, you can stay an extra night at Moraine Camp. Otherwise, continue your descent to Artesonraju Base Camp.

After an early breakfast, begin your descent through the Santa Cruz Valley to Cashapampa, which takes about 6 hours. In Cashapampa, a minibus will be waiting to transfer you and your local team back to Huaraz.

After an early breakfast, begin your descent through the Santa Cruz Valley to Cashapampa, which takes about 6 hours. In Cashapampa, a minibus will be waiting to transfer you and your local team back to Huaraz.

After an early breakfast, begin your descent through the Santa Cruz Valley to Cashapampa, which takes about 6 hours. In Cashapampa, a minibus will be waiting to transfer you and your local team back to Huaraz.

After an early breakfast, begin your descent through the Santa Cruz Valley to Cashapampa, which takes about 6 hours. In Cashapampa, a minibus will be waiting to transfer you and your local team back to Huaraz.

After an early breakfast, begin your descent through the Santa Cruz Valley to Cashapampa, which takes about 6 hours. In Cashapampa, a minibus will be waiting to transfer you and your local team back to Huaraz.

After an early breakfast, begin your descent through the Santa Cruz Valley to Cashapampa, which takes about 6 hours. In Cashapampa, a minibus will be waiting to transfer you and your local team back to Huaraz.

After an early breakfast, begin your descent through the Santa Cruz Valley to Cashapampa, which takes about 6 hours. In Cashapampa, a minibus will be waiting to transfer you and your local team back to Huaraz.

After an early breakfast, begin your descent through the Santa Cruz Valley to Cashapampa, which takes about 6 hours. In Cashapampa, a minibus will be waiting to transfer you and your local team back to Huaraz.

After an early breakfast, begin your descent through the Santa Cruz Valley to Cashapampa, which takes about 6 hours. In Cashapampa, a minibus will be waiting to transfer you and your local team back to Huaraz.

After an early breakfast, begin your descent through the Santa Cruz Valley to Cashapampa, which takes about 6 hours. In Cashapampa, a minibus will be waiting to transfer you and your local team back to Huaraz.

After an early breakfast, begin your descent through the Santa Cruz Valley to Cashapampa, which takes about 6 hours. In Cashapampa, a minibus will be waiting to transfer you and your local team back to Huaraz.

After an early breakfast, begin your descent through the Santa Cruz Valley to Cashapampa, which takes about 6 hours. In Cashapampa, a minibus will be waiting to transfer you and your local team back to Huaraz.

After an early breakfast, begin your descent through the Santa Cruz Valley to Cashapampa, which takes about 6 hours. In Cashapampa, a minibus will be waiting to transfer you and your local team back to Huaraz.

After an early breakfast, begin your descent through the Santa Cruz Valley to Cashapampa, which takes about 6 hours. In Cashapampa, a minibus will be waiting to transfer you and your local team back to Huaraz.

After an early breakfast, begin your descent through the Santa Cruz Valley to Cashapampa, which takes about 6 hours. In Cashapampa, a minibus will be waiting to transfer you and your local team back to Huaraz.

After an early breakfast, begin your descent through the Santa Cruz Valley to Cashapampa, which takes about 6 hours. In Cashapampa, a minibus will be waiting to transfer you and your local team back to Huaraz.

After an early breakfast, begin your descent through the Santa Cruz Valley to Cashapampa, which takes about 6 hours. In Cashapampa, a minibus will be waiting to transfer you and your local team back to Huaraz.

After an early breakfast, begin your descent through the Santa Cruz Valley to Cashapampa, which takes about 6 hours. In Cashapampa, a minibus will be waiting to transfer you and your local team back to Huaraz.

Was ist enthalten?
  • Flughafentransfer
  • Reisen im Land mit Bussen und Taxen
  • Übernachtungen in einfachen Hotels oder Berghütten
  • Bergtour Illiniza Norte mit Organisation, Führer und Leihausrüstung
  • 4 Tage Trekking im Altargebiet
  • Besteigung des Cotopaxi
  • Reiseleitung vor Ort
  • Geführte Bergwanderungen
  • Vollverpflegung während der Illinizabesteigung und der Cotopaxitour
Was ist nicht enthalten?
  • Flug
  • Reiseunfall- und Krankenversicherung
  • Reisegepäcks- und Reiserücktrittskostenversicherung
  • Nicht ausgeschriebene Mahlzeiten und Getränke
  • Trinkgelder
  • Ausgaben des persönlichen Bedarfs


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Trekking mit Gipfeloption Illiniza Norte und Cotopaxi